Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Walldorn Session 2 - Escape from Hilltop

Apologies for the long gap, have been pretty busy this year with hobby stuff including D&D. In fact the group has had two more sessions since I last updated, so I better get them up while i can still remember them.

Mendus 22nd of Hermatus year 999

As the news spread throughout the village of the iminent raiding force, Mifyanor began loudly proclaiming the military procedures they should be enacting to no one in particular, whilst the militia started arming themselves under the militia leader Erard's command.

Amidst the bustle, Jon was approached by Father Corrin, the local priest and the man who had raised him. Corrin expressed doubt that the village could survive an attack, and told Jon about a secret tunnel beneath the church he believed could be used to escape. The tunnel passed through crypts beneath the church and a barrow which the village was built over, to a cave south west of the village.
The two of them brought this information to the villages council, who were standing in a circle slightly seperate from the rest of the villagers, hurriedly discussing their options. Mifyanor and Oswold both followed curiously. Meanwhile Eadric slipped off to warn the villagers in the outlying farms, in particular the one where his younger siblings lived.

 While the council seemed responsive to having at least some of the village escaping via the tunnel,
Symund Monder, one of the most prominent voices in the village expressed that there were tales of the old tower in the village, and in some of these tales the owner would stay in the tower for months, and then return with trinkets from the other end of the country. Oswolds interest in particular was piqued by these rumours, and he volunteered to explore the tower to seek the truth in these stories.

After half an hour, Eadric reached his familys farm and immediately got his siblings to begin evacuating. They took the news as well as could be expected, his younger sister Mathilda helping the youngest Balther pack as quickly possible. By the time they were back in the village proper, most of the outlying farmers had been warned and were waiting behind the palisades, where an argument had begun to break out.

While Eadric was warning his family, Oswold had approached the ancient stone tower at the highest point of the village. Whilst everyone in Hilltop had heard fell rumours about the structure, And Oswolds teacher Wenlow had particularly warned him away from it, the possibility of a sorcerous portal, not to mention the leftover treasures of a mage of antiquity proved all too tempting. Oswold slowly pushed the creaking oak double doors aside, unleashing a swarm of bats, sent into a frenzy by the sudden light shining into the circular chamber. Once the creatures had flown off in a flurry of wings, Oswold slowly entered the chamber. Percieving the large room to be empty, Oswold took the stairs which ringed the room up to a rectangular chamber with doors in the north and south walls. With the north door leading only to an old storage room, Oswold entered the southern portal, leading to a room with doors leading off to either side. With the left hand door being locked, Oswold took the opposite entrance and entered a large chamber, again containing doors to either side, but also a spiral staircase leading up. A mural on the opposite wall showed a depiction of the solar system.

Taking the right hand door to the north, Oswold found himself on what must surely have been a small library, with two shelves in the center of the room forming a right angle, and shelves against the eastern and southern walls. Whilst most of the books were rotted beyond readability, Oswold did manage to find a text describing the history of the Adventuring culture, as well as a scroll for the spell Detect Magic. Oswold proceeded to study his new finds intently.

It was around this point that the argument back in the village took place, with Erard Barnes and the militia wanting to stay and drive off the invaders, and much of council led particularly by Symund wishing to evacuate, through the tunnel or otherwise. Mifyanor immediately took it upon himself to mediate, and soon tempers were calmed. A compromise was decided upon, wherein the Militia would stay behind to buy the others time to escape. With this decided Mifyanor and Jon headed to the tower to check on Oswolds progress, whilst Eadric proceeded to the church to begin exploring the tunnel.

Oswold meanwhile had finished reading and continued to explore the tower, taking the door to the north of the library. He found himself in a reading chamber with a fireplace in the wall and another bookshelf, this one empty. Finding nothing of interest, he returned to the chamber with the circular staircase and headed up to a trapdoor. Pushing this open, Oswold found himself on the roof of the tower. The remnants of chains could be seen on the ground, which had been rent in shapes suspiciously like claw marks. With nothing else of interest, Oswold stepped down into the chamber below.

Back in the tower, Oswold took the door he had ignored earlier to the south, entering a room with a stone table and chairs, and a door leading east. Taking this exit, Oswold entered an old bechamber
with a stone bed, a rotted carpet, a chest and a sword hanging on the wall. Attempting to open the chest, Oswold found it locked.

It was at this point that Oswold heard his name being called. Mifyanor and Jon had just reached the first floor via the stairs from below. Oswold called out where he was and soon the other two joined him in the old bedchamber. Mifyanor was particularly interested in the sword on the wall, and wanted to know if it was magic. Oswold tried out his new detect magic scroll, finding some magic coming from the sword, the chest, and somewhere below their feet. with Oswold unsure what the sword did exactly, Mifyanor decided to open the chest. Finding it locked, he took the unsubtle approach, using a crowbar pry the lid. As soon as the lid was off the sword rose into the air and began attacking the party. "Don't damage my sword!" exclaimed Mifyanor, attempting to grab it. The sword resisted attempts to be grappled and slashed at anyone it could see. The battle was chaos, with Oswold throwing motes of flame, Mifyanor desperately trying to grab hold of the sword and Jon wacking it with his hammer. Eventually the sword slashed at Oswold, slicing into his chest and knocking him to the ground in pain. Mifyanor sighed audibly before pulling out his greatsword and slicing at the sword, smashing it into two pieces. Jon quickly performed a healing prayer, bringing Oswold back to conciousness.

Finally able to peruse the contents of the chest, the group found a quarter staff, a fine set of robes and a wand, which on closer inspection turned out to be a Wand of Magic Missile. Oswold quickly opropriated these items and the group walked back to the locked door the which Oswold had found earlier. With a sharp kick, Mifyanor broke through the lock, revealing a chamber with two more chests. Oswold walked over and opened the one on the left, setting off a magical trap, which electricuted him back into unconciousness. The other's quickly gave him one of the two red potions inside, which luckily turned out to be a poweful healing potion. Also in the chest was a clear potion of some kind, which turned out to be Potion of Hill Giant Strength, a scroll with the spell Calm Emotions, a number of gemstones and coinage of 160 silver and 4 gold.

The other chest was smaller, and locked. The group decided to bring it to Eadric so he could work out if it was also trapped. Deciding that they didn't have time to continue searching for a portal that may not have existed, they proceeded to lug the two chests down the stairs and out of the tower.

Whilst the others had been dealing with the strange tower, Eadric had helped bring everyone into the church and began helping reveal the secret passage beneath the alter. With the help of some of more able bodied villagers, a staircase down was soon revealed. The stairs led to a small chamber, with a stone door to the west. Father Corrin was reluctant to unlock this door without the other adventurers, but Eadric wanted to move things along and so began getting to work with his lockpicks. The door was quickly opened, revealing a dark corridor with two passages leading off to the north and south. Behind him, Doron Pel the innkeeper approached, now wearing a suit of chainmail, a shield on his back, a lit torch in one hand and the longsword from the tavern wall in his other. Eadric was grateful to have the company, and asked that the others follow as soon as they could.

The first passage they took was the southern one, which led to square chamber, with niches bearing coffins in the north, south and east walls. Seemingly a dead end, Eadric marked this passage with an x using a stone and proceeded down the northern tunnel. The duo entered a larger chamber, with more niches in the north, south and eastern walls, each containing coffins as in the previous chamber. A set of double doors in the western wall were locked but Eadric soon had them open, revealing a short corridor ending in another chamber. The smell of dampness bacame apparent as they entered this room, which also contained coffin niches to the north and west, and a passage leading south to what appeared to be a cavernous chamber. Eadric remarked that usually he would be searching the coffins for valuables, but that he now could only think of getting his family away safely. Doron allowed that he would have done the same in his youth, hinting at his more mercenary background.

The cavernous chamber the two now found themselves in was crowded by six oversized fungi. As they walked between them, two of the strange mushrooms began moving in queer shuddering motions, one of them swiping at Doron with purple tendrils. Doron responded in kind, slashing with his sword, whilst Eadric moved to flank the violet plant thing.
No fun guy jokes were made thank god.

It was while this surreal fight was occuring that Mifyanor, Oswold and Jon, had already begun to walk through the passage beneath the church. Having misunderstood the x marking, and searched the dead end room, they were still a little ways back when they heard the sounds of fighting up ahead. The group began running to reach the battle, arriving just as the last fungi was being confronted. Mifyanor through the chest he was carrying at the plant, but the box landed well off the mark. Doron swung the fatal blow and the strange plant shuddered and became still.

Jon went back to the tunnel entrance and allowed that the villagers should begin following behind. Soon the fungis filled cavern was crowded with people, and our four explorers, accompanied by Doron, continued down to where the cavern split into two narrower tunnels. Deciding on the eastern tunnel, the party reached a small chamber filled with stalagtites, with the tunnel on the other end curving to the south.

As the group traversed the chamber, one of the stalagtites dropped from the ceiling, narrowly missing Mifyanors head. The stalagtite twitched on the floor, reveiling itself to be some kind of camoflagued predator, which attempted to crawl back up the wall. The group quickly set to it with their weapons, putting it to death. Doron was familiar with the creature, explaining that one should always wear a helmet under ground.
It mostly died of embarrasment after it missed. Although the sharp metal objects doubtless contributed.
The party continued down the next passage, arriving at a natural balcony which overlooked a large chamber 10ft. below, with a shallow stream running through it. The earlier crossroad met at this chamber, and a further tunnel continued to the south. The other villagers were brought into this new cavern, while the party explored further. The southern tunnel sloped downhill and curved to the west, leading to a crudely carved circular chamber, with a set of stone double doors collapsed on the ground. To the west a passage led to a set of closed double doors. Pushing these open, the group continued down the short passage to smaller circular chamber, with another set of stone doors to the north west.

Opening this double door revealed an expansive circular chamber, with niches in the walls, some of which contained skeletons, and doors to the west and the north east. With the rattle of bones, two of the skeletons crawled from their niches, to rise on their feet, unwrapping and stringing ancient longbows. Quickly overcoming thier shock and horror, the party sprung to action, and swiftly made short work of the skeletal archers. Steeling themselves for more walking dead, the group pushed open the north eastern door. A short passage led to rounded room containing a stone coffin, upon which lay a skeletal figure. As the party was doubtless expecting, the skeleton rose up to attack, wielding a notched double edged sword and a bronze shield.
I mean they were technically spooky and scary and skeletons
The ancient warrior fought surprisingly well, but was no match for five assailants. With the skeleton beaten, Mifyanor began pushing the lid off the coffin, revealing a wealth of coins, three gems and an ancient Sarrick helmet. The party immediately began counting out the coinage, finding 2000 copper coins of the sort used by the Sarrick empire, 150 silver and 7 gold coins. Packing these coins into bags, along with the gems and helmet, the group moved back to open the western door in the previous chamber.

Behind the door was a corridor, ending in another door. Leading the way, Mifyanor strode towards the door, and promptly fell into a pit trap when the floor opened up beneath him. In spite of falling 20 ft. down, the elf's ego was more bruised than his body, and the party soon managed to pull him out with a length of rope (a tool every adventurer needs). Being right in front of the door, the pit made opening it awkward, but the group soon managed to maneuver it open, and continue down the passage beyond.

The tunnel curved to the south, ending at a double door. Two more skeletons stepped out from wall niches, bearing wicked scythes. Whilst the tight corridor made combat awkward, the party soon managed to dispatch the horrors. Impatient to continue forward, Eadric headed towards the door... and activated another pit trap, nearly falling in but for his quick reflexes.

Behind this door, the passage continued into darkness. The rest of the villagers were brought up, and the convoy began moving through the tunnel. After 4-5 miles of tense walking, natural light began to fill the chamber ahead. Moving ahead of the villagers, the party entered a large cavern which opened to the hills, with only a sleeping black bear in the way. While the group began discussing what to do, Mifyanor rushed the bear, greatsword drawn.

In a surprising move, the bear's limited fight instinct, won out over it's flight, and it charged back at Mifyanor, failing to find purchase with it's claws. Striking with his sword, the elf wounded the bear, which wisely decided to flee the battle. Whilst Eadric had a chance to finish it as it fled past him out the cave, the rogue showed mercy, letting the bear escape into the hills.

Soon the villagers were led out into the waning daylight, their village visible in the distance with smoke billowing from it's roofs as their home burned. With heavy hearts, the people of Hilltop left their home hoping for shelter in the nearby town of Sorrowthorn.

After a grueling journey over the hinterlands, the refugees arrived at the town gates in the dead of night. A call of "Who goes there?" was heard from the wooden palisade, and once things were explained,  a guard was sent to inform Lord Redar and find out what should happen. After a tense half hour wait, the gates opened, and the refugees were allowed to camp out in the town square.

Eadric took his siblings to the local inn, The Golden Shield, and bought the three of them a room. Mifyanor took a room for himself, while Oswold and his family, went to live in his older brother Willans house, who was a member of the local guard. Jon meanwhile was allowed to stay in the local church, along with father Corrin.

The next day, the group met at The Golden Shield to discuss their next move. The important thing was selling the treasure. After asking around, it became clear that there were two general stores in town, one of which was having trouble, and the other doing comparitively better. Deciding on the second shop, Mifyanor took the gems to be sold for a reasonable price. There was some short shopping before the group reconvened back at the inn. Not long after a messanger arrived, stating the they had been summoned, along with members of the village council to meet with Lord Tholon Redar. The party quickly headed to the longhouse where Tholon held council.

The village council was already there. Also in session were an armed figure, presumably a guard captain, The local priest Mardus Waller, a finely clothed man sitting idly at the table and Lord Tholon Redar himself. Mifyanor immediately introduced himself.

Redar "The same Mifyanor who started a riot against my men when I sent them to collect taxes?"

Mifyanor "I uh..... no"

Redar seemed skeptical as Mifyanor continued to protest his innocence, but father Corrin reminded everyone that they had more pressing concerns, and that Mifyanor had recently done great services for the village. The discussion soon returned to the orc menace, numbers, distance etc.. As the next move was considered, Tholon suggested that the refugees could be moved into the Sorrowfort to the north within the forest, although it would first need to be cleared of squatters. A report on it's defensibility would also be valuable. The party decided this seemed like a useful endevour, so agreed to take on the task.

While these discussions were happening, the finely clothed figure struck up a conversation with Jon Smiffe, relating that in the Cormmorgian Imperium orcs can often be found in the workforce and military "seperate from humans of course", although he had never seen an orc priest.

With discussions done, the council were dismissed and Tholon and the well dressed man continued what appeared to be an old argument. Father Corrin explained to the group that the noble was a diplomat for the Cormmorgian Imperium, the empire which Walldorn was a part of 200 years ago.

With business in town complete for the moment, the party headed north to the Sorrowfort,
the Thornwood closing around them as they traipsed below the canopy.
Feel free to put on some forest sound effects from here on.

After around an hour of walking a collection of vines wrapped around a tree suddenly detached itself, forming into a humanoid shape and attacked the party. The group sprung to action with swords and spells, and soon the violent vegitation was destroyed. Silently, but more alert, the party continued towards the Sorrowfort.

After another two hours of cautious travel, the group approached the ancient keep. Although the stone walls were overgrown with vines, the structure was solid enough, and clearly formidable, if undermined by how close the trees had grown. The wooden gate stood before them. The party decided to take a short rest before entering the structure, during which Oswold performed a strange ritual. When the arcane shapes and words had been cast, a cat with a strange green tint emerged from the forest and wrapped itself around his shoulders. The other adventurers thought it best not to comment.
The party have entered the Castle Caldwell module at this point, for those who are curious.
Finding the windows too high to peak through, the group approached the double doors that appeared to be the keeps entrance. Finding it unlocked, they pushed them open and entered the Sorrowfort. Three doors met them, one on each side of the immediate corridor, with a third on the opposite wall, the corridor splitting at a T junction to the left and right before this portal. Eadric listened at the door on the immediate right, hearing voices talking in an unfamiliar tongue. Mifyanor then kicked open the opposite door, luckily revealing an empty room. Taking a more strategic approach, the group stacked up against the door where the voices had come from and burst into the room.

Four short greenskinned humanoids with long noses were standing around a table, short swords and shields at the ready. The battle which followed was brutal, the goblins fighting with surprising viciousness. Oswold spent the battle launching bolts of energy from his wand, or shooting fire bolts from his quarterstaff*. Eadric spent much of the fight dueling two goblins at once with a sword in each hand, until one of them attempted to move past him to attack Oswold, at which point Eadric stabbed him in the neck. Mifyanor sliced through one of the creatures as soon as the battle started, before moving into the room to fight another one. Jon spent much of the battle unconcious, having been stabbed by a crude short sword early in the fight. He was avenged by Mifyanor's two handed blade, and given a healing potion before he could bleed out.

With the creatures dispatched, the party took stock of their situation. Many were wounded after the battle, so the group took an hour to rest, bandage and recuperate. When they were sufficiently recovered, the band moved out into the corridor. Oswold informed the others that he could see through his familiars eyes, and sent it to scout out the fortress, revealing that the keep was essentialy a square, with doors all along the corridors, and towers on the corners. The group approached the door opposite the entrance, finding the there were two doors on the same wall on either side, before the corridors turned north.

Impulsive as aways, Mifyanor walked up to the door on the left and knocked. A muffled "hello?" could be heard from the other side. Confused, Mifyanor asked him to open the door. A bearded man appeared from behind the portal. It developed that he and the men behind the two doors to his right were traders, who had hit on bad times and were staying in the abandoned fort while they decided where to go next. The fellow informed his neighbours that the coust was clear and they told the adventurers they could pass through the middle room, where a door led out into the courtyard.

The group decided to explore the eastern corridor first, so approached the first door on the right of that corridor. Unable to hear noise on the other side, the group opened the door, revealing a large room, containing a statue of a toga wearing man. As they entered the chamber, the statue greeted Jon Smiffe and Oswold. This upsetting of the natural order greatly disturbed Eadric, who began babbling incoherently. Mifyanor took him outside the room to calm down.

Jon asked the statue who it was, to which it responded that it's function was to answer three questions put to it, and that Jon now had two left. The two of them thought carefully about their next questions. Jon asked the statue what they should do about the orcs. The statue explained that it's answers were limited to the Sorrowfort and everything within. Oswold asked what the greatest magic item in the castle was, to which the statue answered that it was the greatest magic item in the castle. Frustrated, Oswold asked what the next greatest item in the keep was, and was told it was a potion of healing. Oswold then used his third question to ask where in the castle it was, and was informed that it was in the chapel. Jon asked if there were other creatures in the keep, and was told that there were indeed.

Unable to think of another question, the group left the odd statue and tried the next door along the hall. The room behind was empty, as was the next one. Rather than continue down the passage, the party headed back to the rooms occupied by the merchants and entered the courtyard. Two ravenous wolves immediately charged at the intruders, trying to pull them to their feet and eat their flesh. The party soon made short work of them. The traders apologised for forgetting to tell the explorers about the wolves, although the party was far from amused.

The courtyard had five other doors leading off it, two on each side, and one opposite the way the party had entered. The doors to the left and right led to old bedchambers, one of which had a sack of coins hidden underneath a bedframe. The coins came to 80 silver. Rather than heading to the northern door, the group doubled back and decided to search the western corridor. The first door opened to what must have been a kitchen, with a stone oven, a cauldren and shelves. Near the western wall was a leather chest. Worried about what had happened the last time he had opened such a container, Oswold used one of his spells to detect wether there was an arcane trap on the chest. He soon could sense conjuration magic coming from the box and set to work unraveling the arcane strands. Once the chest was safe, it was found to be empty. However the group estimated they could get some money for the chest itself, due to the gold binding.

The next door contained three large sacks and a dead goblin with a strangely swollen arm. Eadric moved to examine the sacks, cutting into one with his knife. Unfortunately for him this was the same sack in which a poisonous snake was hiding. Hissing venom, the serpent bit at the rogue, sinking it's fangs into his arm. Eadric shook the creature off and sliced it's head off with his sword. Luckily the venom didn't seem to take hold and the group moved to the next door.

This room had a couple of empty bookshelves, giving the impression of a library. Two giant beetles with red glowing glands buzzed their wings and attacked. The creatures were easily dispatched and the party set up to rest in this chamber.

(The party reached second level right at the end of the session).

*It was at this point that i reminded the players that this was a low magic setting, and having a friend of theirs casting spells should have been confusing. They were having none of it, explaining that Oswold hung out with a wierd old man, read books and basically dressed like a wizard. They also pointed out that the other members of the party consisted of a thief, a half orc and an elf, so they were fairly unlikely to judge.
I acquiesced to their logic.


  1. Love it. Whoever is playing Eadric is clearly a genius and generally great guy.

    1. Go write that battle report you silly goose.
